Monday, December 8, 2008

Behind Every Teen Terror ... a Crappy Parent

Yes, here's another one that's getting media attention around the world. A bunch of Minnesota teens are facing charges that they abused -- including sexually -- some Alzheimer patients in a nursing home where the teens worked.

What elevates this disgusting story to the level of "teen terror?" Why, the public intervention of one of the fathers of the alleged teen terrors, of course.

Michael Larson, father of 18-year-old Ashton Larson, made a statement on the Today show blaming the media for "distorting" the charges against his daughter. Where have we heard THAT one before?

Like many parents of teen terrors, Larson seems to think that he's helping his daughter by blaming her bad behavior on someone else -- in this case the media for making it all up, apparently. OK, folks, for the record, being a good parent does NOT mean denying your kid's bad behavior. It means working with them to correct it and, if necessary, make amends for it.

His statement is especially stupid since his daughter ADMITTED to police several of the things she's charged with. Whatever happened to a healthy dose of parental shame? Bad enough the teen terrors have no shame, but when their parents don't either ... wait a minute. Come to think of it, maybe that's the problem in the first place. The parents have a warped sense of right and wrong, so what do you expect from the kids?

If Larson wanted to help his daughter, a better statement would have been "She knows what she did was wrong, she's sorry for it, and she's working to make amends." Now THAT would be responsible parenting.

You can read the story on Larson's Today show statement here:

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